Please make the following adjustments to UUPCB.INI. For PAGESAT Systems: SATSPOOL=D:\PAGESAT <---------The directory in which pagesat bags are located SATDIR=D:\spool2\pagesat <---------Old SATGEN directory, not needed now You may delete this or it will be ignored PAGESAT=Y <-- *NEW* Turn on Pagesat mode SATSPEC=NEWS*.BAG <---------The file spec for pagesat mail bags UUPCBIN 1.25.8 will process all of the sites under the spool directory. It will also check the SATSPOOL (see above) directory for Pagesat mailbags. This insures scanning for email or news not received from Pagesat. For PLANET CONNECT Systems: Use the same modifications listed above. Additionally, you must add a line to your batch file to UNZIP all news bags from Planet Connect. Please advise me of any problems related to this modification. Ed Hopper